
问题: 我如何在UNA开始我的VA福利?

答: 联系 VeteranAffairs@ceritasexpopuler.com
电话:256.765.4971电子邮件: VeteranAffairs@ceritasexpopuler.com. 办公室位于吉洛大学中心(GUC) on the UNA Campus - you can download the forms he will need you to complete 在我们的退伍军人法案信息页面 and bring them with you to help speed up the process or send them via his email.

问题: 我刚刚退役,是UNA的一名新生, I really do not feel comfortable with the 联谊会/Sorority crowd since I am a bit older and wiser, 校园里有退伍军人组织吗?

答: 当然有, the UNA Military and Veteran Alliance is a group of military and 经验丰富的 students, faculty and staff and other supporters in the community who advocate for 经验丰富的 student issues.  The group also plans social activities and participates in on-campus and community events.  The UNA MVA is a recognized student organization and is an active chapter of 美国学生退伍军人协会 (SVA) http://www.studentveterans.org. 只需联系MVA总裁Emily Hovater,电子邮件: eahovater@ceritasexpopuler.com 她会帮助你如何加入.

问题: Veterans and active duty military personnel are considered automatically independent for federal need analysis purposes. 然而, the Veterans 政府 and the US Department of 教育 use a different definition of 经验丰富的, 导致一些混乱. 我如何确定我的退伍军人身份?

答: http://www.finaid.org/military/veteranstatus.phtml

问题: 我入学了. 我什么时候能收到退伍军人管理局的福利?

答: 因为大多数学校差不多在同一时间开学, we are generally overwhelmed with enrollments at the start of a semester. It takes us about 10 to 12 weeks to process an enrollment during those times. 请耐心等待. We will process all of the enrollments in order by the date received. 如果你试图登录 网上注册自动验证系统(WAVE) system and either cannot log in or see that your record has not been updated from last semester, 我们尚未处理您当前的注册.

If you are receiving benefits based on your status as a service person, 经验丰富的, 或预备役, you must verify your enrollment at the end of each month in order to receive benefits. 福利在每个月的学业结束后发放. Verification can be done beginning the last day of the month by using our 网上注册自动验证系统(WAVE) or by calling toll free 1-877-823-2378 and using your touch tone phone. Both of these services are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. If you are receiving Post-9/11 (CH33) or Dependents 教育al Assistance (CH35), benefits are sent automatically at the end of each month with no action required on your part.

问题: 如果我正在接受教育福利怎么办, 我被征召了, 没拿到学分就辍学了?


  • 您有权获得MGIB, MGIB-SR, VEAP, 或药物管制局的福利,直到你辍学为止.
  • 如果你是根据第10章(联邦当局)被征召的, we will restore the entitlement you were charged for the period that you received benefits when you send us a copy of your orders or DD-214 verifying service under title 10.

例如, 如果你在学校待了一个月,然后不得不退学, you keep the money for that period and we will add back a month to your entitlement for you to use at a later time. 如果你是根据第32章(州政府)被征召入伍的, 你没有获得权利恢复福利.

  • 如果你已经获得了过高的教育福利, we will postpone collection action if you are deployed to a combat area. 然而, once you return from a combat area, you may be responsible for any overpayment of benefits.

问题: 我的教育福利要纳税吗?

答: No. Any 经验丰富的s’ benefits paid under any law administered by the Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA) should not be reported as income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

问题: 军事训练可以给我学分吗?

答: 作为一名老兵, 现役, 或美国陆军的预备役成员, 海军, 或海军陆战队, depending on your basic 现役 service date/basic pay entry dates (BASD/BPED), you may be eligible to receive and American Council on 教育 Registry Transcript  credit. You must request that an official transcript be sent to the 加州大学招生办 so it can be evaluated for credit and applied to your student record. 

The Army American Council on 教育 Registry Transcript System (AARTS), the Sail或海军陆战队 American Council on 教育 Registry Transcript (SMART), 以及海岸警卫队研究所(CGI), have aligned to implement one collaborative transcript program. The Joint 服务 Transcript (JST) is a unified and standardized document that will make it easier for academic institutions to review and articulate recommended college credits, 适当的, 对于专业军事教育, training courses and occupational experience of service members and 经验丰富的s.

 The web site to access information and to request a Joint 服务 transcript is http://jst.doded.mil/official.html.

 Students with previous military experience in the Air Force still request an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force.

问题: 如何申请教育福利?

答: 弗吉尼亚州亚特兰大地区处理办事处. 路易, 水牛, and Muskogee are accepting applications and supporting documents for all Chapter claims.

提交申请 “退伍军人教育福利申请表”(退伍军人表格22-1990).

If you have previously filed a claim for 教育 benefits:
不需要新的申请表格. 然而, you should submit any available documents such as your Discharge from Military Service (DD Form 214), copies of orders to active duty and anything else available as evidence of qualifying service to help establish eligibility for this program. 你还应该提交一份 "Request For Change of Program or Place of Training" (VA form 22-1995) this form is used to transfer your education benefits to the new school you want to attend.

问题: 是什么? 军事学费援助 退货政策?

答: Tuition Assistance eligibility will be recalculated for students who officially withdraw from the course prior to completing 60% of the enrollment period. 如果学生成绩不及格, the last date of attendance submitted by the instructor will be used to determine if the student withdrew unofficially and stopped attending class prior to the 60% completion. The official last date of attendance is used to determine the number of days completed.

The return amount will be determined based on a recalculation of eligibility using the following formula:完成天数学期天数=收入百分比